I Attended the Webinar “Insights to Action: Getting Started with AWS Observability”

I Attended the Webinar “Insights to Action: Getting Started with AWS Observability”

Clock Icon2023.12.20


Hemanth from the Alliance Department here. In this blog i wanted to give an summary of a recent webinar that caught my attention: "Insights to Action: Getting Started with AWS Observability"

Sumo Logic

Sumo Logic is a leading AI-driven SaaS log analytics platform, unifying application telemetry for Dev, Sec, and Ops teams to make data-driven decisions, ensuring application reliability, security against modern threats, and gaining insights into cloud infrastructures. It simplifies log data analysis, providing real-time visibility into operational and security insights through an open standard approach to data collection with OpenTelemetry.


Observability is similar to deciphering the internal status of a complex machine by looking at its outputs. It's essential for software systems to function effectively. The three main pillars are traces, logs, and metrics. These elements provide a thorough perspective for prompt problem prediction, performance optimization, and issue detection. Observability guarantees a dependable and user-friendly experience, facilitates troubleshooting, and increases system efficiency.


Is a secure cloud service platform that offers compute power, database storage, content delivery, network, and other functionality to help businesses scale and grow. It is one of the first cloud vendors to start services in the year 2006. It offers all the 3 service models namely IAAS, PAAS, and SAAS. Some of the notable domains in AWS are Compute, Migration, Storage, Network and Content Delivery, Management Tools, Database, Messaging, Security and Identity Compliance, and many more.

Speakers for the Session

Navigating Digital Transformation Complexity

The increased complexity that comes with digital transformation, companies have to deal with longer Mean Time to Resolution (MMTR) and higher downtime expenses. Organizational silos continue even in the face of efforts to achieve unity of vision. As a solution, Sumo Logic steps in and attempts to close the gap by providing a single view of metrics and logs.

Logs: Unlocking Insights

A vast amount logs, whether semi-structured, structured, or unstructured, with insightful information hidden inside the sea of data. With Sumo Logic, users in the AWS environment may extract a cohesive sense from these logs for efficient monitoring and troubleshooting.

How to achieve AWS observability solution

Sumo Logic introduces a unified hierarchical view, providing insights from the account, region level, and individual AWS services. With out-of-the-box content, seamless data integration, and public telemetry, Sumo Logic facilitates efficient troubleshooting. Pre-built dashboards and alerts further elevate the AWS observability experience.

Deploying the solution

Head to the Sumo Logic landing page and start a free trial Enter your business email, select a region, and activate your account You will get a confirmation email. Click on activate account. Complete AWS Observability details, including the region for data flow, AWS role permission checks, and deployment method (CloudFormation template, AWS CLI, or Terraform) Create a stack with a unique name and witness the green 'Create Complete' confirmation Click 'Start Using Sumo' and familiarize yourself with AWS observability through video tutorials, pre-configured log searches, alerts, and intelligent benchmark dashboards
After a successful setup, your interface should resemble the following Also see other customized dashboards Also add the stand alone apps from app catalog You can also limit the ingest of metrics Cloudwatch - streams - kinesis metrics stream to sumo - click it - next click edit in the select metrics

Tips and Tricks

  1. Customize to meet your needs

    Leverage dozens of out-of-the-box services in AWS Observability

    Ability to customize your dashboards

    Add to the explore hierarchy for enhanced insights

  2. Review the App Catalog for other Integrations

  3. Stream data collection
  4. Set up Automated Recovery
  5. Route AWS events to Sumo Logic


Sumo Logic is a key player in breaking down the complexity of digital transformation. It's an AI-powered SaaS log analytics platform that strengthens security, improves dependability, and empowers data-driven decision-making. It also effectively observably reveals deep insights within the AWS environment. Sumo Logic is positioned as a crucial tool for enterprises navigating the challenges of the digital era with greater observability thanks to its user-friendly implementation and practical solutions.


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